
Debian 8 AMD64 install sopcast

1.enabled i386 software

dpkg --add-architecture i386

2.download libstdc++5 ,

cd /tmp
wget http://www.sopcast.com/download/libstdcpp5.tgz

unzip and move all the files libstdc++5(.01) to usr/lib/

3.download sopcast and sopcast-player

wget http://download.sopcast.com/download/sp-auth.tgz
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/google-code-archive-downloads/v2/code.google.com/sopcast-player/sopcast-player-0.8.5.tar.gz

If your ISP or country blocked sopcast.com and google code , please use tsocks before wget like

tsocks wget http://download.sopcast.com/download/sp-auth.tgz

or define http(s) proxy in terminal .

4.move sop-auth to usr/bin/

tar -zxvf sp-auth.tgz
mv sp-auth/sp-auth /usr/bin/
rm -r sp-auth/

5.install sopcast-player

apt-get install gettext
tar -zxvf sopcast-player.tar.gz
cd sopcast-player
make install
rm -r sopcast-player

the sopcast-player will be showed in application memu.


Formosa Betrayed video streaming 被出賣的台灣

Formosa Betrayed video streaming 被出賣的台灣
Subtiles : English , Traditional Chinese
Ads : Yes


Nodejs app auto start @ Linux

As root user , edit /etc/rc.local in terminal;
nano /etc/rc.local

#!/bin/sh -e
node /home/user/app/app.js
exit 0

save and restart